Martes, Hulyo 10, 2012

       1.  The most excited moment being a student is to learn and discover knew things every seconds in life. As we start to our subject in Practice Teaching, I am so excited. I am the first reporter, and for me it is a big opportunity.  Actually, it is easy to be in front of my classmates as long as you really know your report. At the moment of being a teacher at the time, I really feel that being a teacher is not burden but a victory. I am happy because in front of my classmates, its just like I am sharing  my knowledge as an real experience. My topic is all about "LEARNING", and exactly I learned in that moment as being a teacher.
      2.   I learned that being a teacher is not just easy because you need to observe everything inside the classroom. From the topic you discus, management in the class and most of all to your students. You should be sensitive and observant towards  your students to their characters, behavior, knowledge and life. I have learned that the moment you are inside the classroom, everything is under control by you as a teacher. You should know your rule inside and out of the class because being a teacher is also a lifetime process. A true teacher should be a good model. Be sure that you are an effective teacher that after the class your students really learned.

     3.    I have learned that someday I should be an effective teacher because the school ground  has a big part in molding a person to become a successful in the future. I will do my best that my students captured the most important thing and stored as a long-term memory. And  I have learned that your experience stored as  a long term memory.  And I have learned also that our learning process is just like a computer but unique in reality. Sometimes we wonder why there are some people slow to learned? And it is answered after Ms. Oval reported. It is because of the learning process of memory and capacity of a person.


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